Innovators for resilience are needed

BRIGAID Connect is the experts platform that strives to help innovators to market and launch their resilience ideas.

We help innovators to take their resilient solutions to the comunities. We connect them with those in need of ideas to prevent the threats of our century.

BRIGAID Connect - We help innovators to take their resilient solutions to the communities
BRIGAID Connect - We help innovators to take their resilient solutions to the communities
Reality check!

Climate change, economic downturn and health crises are increasingly impacting our societies, economies and environment.

Experts required!

This requires effective, financially feasible and environmentally sustainable solutions that are developed and implemented at the community level.

Start now!

BRIGAID Connect follows a transdisciplinary approach to innovation management and market.

For 4 years we have helped innovators to reach the market and achieve their goals.
We are a group of experts in innovation, financing, market, intermediation and branding.
We give you advice on your business to help you get fund and create powerful networks with decision makers and public administrations.

How we help resilience innovators?

BRIGAID Connect: innovators, reslience and innovators

Community-focused resilience
solutions conceived by local stakeholders

BRIGAID Connect: innovators, reslience and entrepreneur

Transdisciplinary expertise
to ensure the adequate consideration of social, environmental and economic factors

BRIGAID Connect: innovators, reslience, entrepreneur and networking

Europe-wide network 

to facilitate testing, scaling and mutual learning

A legacy of excellence and impact

In 2016 we embarked on BRIGAID: a four-year EU-funded research and innovation project to accelerate the development and spread of novel climate resilience solutions. Our aim: to find and help innovators turn their ideas into real climate adaptation solutions. 

Now an independent initiative of the project’s members, BRIGAID Connect became the vehicle to sustain and build upon this legacy.

BRIGAID Connect - BRIGAID UE Project - Innovation - H2020